A modern approach to loyalty

Microinteraction Rewards

Incentivise and reward customer interaction with games, contests, scratch cards, and more.
You gain metrics around retention typically not measurable for e-commerce.
Microinteraction Rewards
Engagement based loyalty
go beyond transactions

Reward engagement

By rewarding customer microinteractions, such as leaving reviews, providing feedback or participating in community discussions, brands incentivize customers to actively engage with the brand. This builds a stronger relationship and leads to predictable measreable retention.

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Foster loyalty

Positive reinforcement

When customers receive rewards for their actions it cultivates a sense of loyalty and reciprocity. This positive reinforcement enhances the customer experience and encourages repeat interactions.

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Microinteraction Rewards
Brand Advocacy

Brand advocay

When customers feel appreciated they are more likely to share their experiences with others. This creates a ripple effect, as these satisfied customers become brand advocates and spread positive word-of-mouth about the brand.

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Integrate with your favorite tools & solutions

We will plug into any eCommerce, CDP or CRM platform that you currently have – breathe life into your partners and customer relationships and drive traffic to eCommerce channels. Enable community members to instantly add a product to their cart on your eCommerce store, expediting the purchasing process and optimizing sales opportunity.

Are you ready to unlock your superpower?

Schedule a call to learn how to activate dormancy, collect zero-party data, and nurture advocacy.
Our team of experts can help jump start your post-conversion engagement optimization.
Talk to an Expert